ClubsNSW recently launched a new, state-wide ‘Your local club’ advertising campaign, kicking off with ads on free-to-air TV channels across the state, online digital and social media. The creative concept is built around ‘Your local club – where we belong’ and highlights the unique experiences that Clubs provide within their local communities. The ads feature one of four different renditions of Perry Como’s much-loved hit Magic Moments.

If you’ve seen one, chances are you’ve experienced a charge of emotion; the sense of belonging and connection that so many people have with their local Club. Whether it’s your go-to destination for live entertainment, the place where you held a family wedding reception or birthday party, or simply the spot where you enjoy a meal each week or catch-up with friends, we hope your Club holds a special place in your heart.

Check out the Magic Moments.

Your local club — where love belongs

Your local club – where friendship belongs

Your local club – where celebration belongs