Twin Towns will hold its first online information session for members on Monday 5 December at 4pm Qld/5pm NSW to provide an update on matters that may be of interest.
This replaces previous sessions conducted with Twin Towns internal club committee members, making the information more readily accessible to all interested members.
Members will have the opportunity to learn more about the redevelopment of Twin Towns Juniors which commences in March, get the latest news on the Club Banora Masterplan including Oasis Pools, and hear about other ongoing matters that may be of interest.
CEO Rob Smith said that in the past, the Club’s consultative meetings only reached around 100 internal club committee members from each of the sub-clubs.
“By taking these meetings online, we can communicate with a much broader cross-section of our membership and allow all members, if they choose, to develop a greater understanding of our plans for the future and what projects are currently being considered or are underway.
“We hope hundreds of members take the time to log into the meeting but we understand the timing may not suit everyone.
“If you cannot login at that time for whatever reason, the entire session will be uploaded to the portal the following day so all members can watch it at their convenience,” said Rob.
To access the meeting, simply login to the Members portal on the website or click here to open the Webex Webinar meeting link. Follow the prompts to establish a connection.
If you would like to test the login ahead of the meeting start time, the link will be active in the portal from 10am Qld/11am NSW on the morning of the meeting.